Power of Compounding!!
Power of Compounding!!
Let me start with simple principle we have always been taught since childhood. We should take proper diet regularly and timely that will provide us energy to work more effectively. But, when it is about savings, we always see common practice in many families is to spend our money first and invest with leftover amount. Is this the right analogy? May be not. We make sure we do 30-45 Minutes of regular exercise that keeps us fit. In the same way we should invest first and then spend what is left. This article is little long. I request you to read till end so it will make sense and help you in retiring early and fulfilling your Crorepati (Millionaire) dream.
What should be your mathematical equation to achieve your Crorepati dream. It is so simple!! “Income – Savings = Expense”.
I’m a Husband, Parent, Brother and I have gone through this rigor. My aim in this article is to help you get started and point you towards the right direction of savings and wealth creation for your family to fulfill above roles.
As a parent, it is quite natural if you have had those sleepless nights worrying about savings for your child to provide better education, secure life, quality living and avoid all the struggles you had when you were young.
The next question pops up, how much money is required by the time my child turns 18 for his higher education? How to generate so much money? How much to save, where to save and a chain of other related questions and worry how to accumulate such a huge money.
This seems as daunting as this may seen. Trust me; saving money efficiently depends upon disciple about regular investment. “Let us deal with discipline part first”.
If you think about ‘savings’ in terms of a mathematical expression, how will it look like?
Most likely you would say [Income – Expense = Savings].
Like many others, if you too think the above equation makes sense, then I’m afraid you’ve got it all wrong. If we go by the above equation, then we are essentially prioritizing expenditure over savings.
Agreed, expenditure over daily essentials is necessary, but many end-up spending a significant amount of money over lifestyle habits. Think about all the times you have bought that overpriced phone, or a fancy handbag, or camera, or sunglasses.
Each month the desire to own or experience something new and fancy slowly creeps in and we succumb. There is no harm doing this, after all, you are spending your own hard earned money.
The problem however is, it eats your ‘savings’ portion. This further leads to two serious problems –
- We save way lesser than what we are capable of saving and
- We save inconsistently.
So, how do we deal with this? Quite simple, we just need to rearrange the above equation
[Income – Savings = Expense]
The above rearranged equation appears very straightforward, but you will come to know the huge difference it makes by end of this article. By rearranging, we are essentially prioritizing savings over spending.
This literally means, the moment we draw our salary, first divert the funds towards savings and then spend whatever is left. This makes very big deal.
Adopting this approach is a way of life and requires a great amount of sacrifice and discipline, because you will have to live by the rules of this equation month on month, for many years. This, by no means, is an easy task. This implies that you cannot go out and pick up a fancy phone just because it looks fashionable in your hands. You are now forced to sacrifice this instant gratification for a bigger benefit which you would enjoy many years later.
The second important aspect is time. The sooner you start saving, the better it is for you and your family. In fact, I am always grateful who has advised me and I followed them and when I look back today, you cannot believe I am happily retired at age of 43. Yes, you read it right, I’m happily retired at 43.
What difference this makes, you may ask. Well, it makes a massive difference. Let me tell you a small story to help you understand the massive impact of time on savings.
A father gives his three young sons a lifelong pocket money of Rs.50,000/- each, every year. They are free to use this money in the way they decide. They are also given an option to invest this money in any legal instrument but with a condition that the investment made should not be touched till their 65th birthday.
Here is what each one does with their money –
● The elder one decides to save money very early in life. He started saving from his 20th birthday till 30th birthday (10 Years). He saved a total of Rs.5,00,000/-. After making his savings for 10 years, he enjoyed the remaining cash flow for the rest of life.
● The 2nd son enjoyed the cash flow first, but on his 28th birthday, he decides that he too needs to save the same amount as his elder Brother did. He saved money till his 40th birthday. The total savings was of Rs.6,00,000/-.
● The younger one also started saving his money from his 35th birthday onwards (After kids are grown up 4 and 6-year-old), but he decides to save all the money he receives until he turns 65. His total savings amounts to Rs.15,00,000/-
As mentioned earlier, investments grow at ‘very moderate’ rate of 12% year on year. Now, here is a question for you – can you take a guess on how much each person’s investment would grow to on their respective 65th birthday?
This may surprise you – how important role “power of compounding” has in our investments
● Elder son’s investment of Rs 5,00,000 grows to a whopping Rs > 5 crore.
● 2nd son who saved 6 Lakhs amount, his investment grows only to Rs 2.20 crore.
● The younger saved lot of money but he still cannot achieve what his both elder brothers achieved with their investments. His investment grows only to Rs 1.50 crore even though he saved more than his both brothers saved (11 Lakh vs 15 Lakhs).
Interesting right? Starting early in life makes a huge difference, so much so that the younger son’s massive investment of Rs. 15 lakhs (made over his lifetime) still cannot beat the elder one’s meagre investment of Rs. 5 lakhs made early on in life. As you may have realized, “Time” is making all the difference here. This is the “Power of Compounding”!
I’ve not been smart enough to make savings when I was 20 years old and I’m guessing not many who are reading this article would not have did this either. Given this, what do you think is our best option now?
Well, here is a bitter pill – we have to do what the younger son did if you are in Late 30s or go as per second son’s plan, if you are in early 30’s. As, we have not good as elder one’s investment strategy (you are lucky if you are in early 20’s then follow elder son’s principal), we need to increase our investment tenure and amount for more number of years.
To generate a significant amount of wealth for our families, we have to start saving continuously. I know these sounds like a long and boring plan, but well, there are no alternatives!
But here is a twist – the only thing that can compensate for lost time is higher ‘Rate of Return’. The higher rate of return can significantly compensate for the lost time. So, essentially, we should look at investing continuously in instruments which can yield a higher rate of return.
This leads us to the million-dollar question – where should we invest?
Before we get into that, let me tell you what most parents do in their pursuit of ‘saving for the child’. This, frankly, in my opinion, is a financial sin, please do not commit it.
Insurance/Insurance-linked ‘child’ plans
Run away from agents who try to peddle these insurance-linked savings plan for your child. Insurance is an expense and it cannot double up as an investment, whichever way you look at it.
Typically, these plans come with an annuity component, wherein a series of cash flow is expected when your child hits a certain age. The annuity component makes young, financially innocent, parents believe that the future cash flow would come handy when the child starts higher education.
However, if you break down the numbers you will realize that the rate of return on these instruments is mediocre, sub 6% in most of the cases. There are two serious problems with such ‘investments’; you not only commit large amounts of money every year (for many years) towards such low yielding avenues, but you also lose out on many attractive investment opportunities which can otherwise generate great returns.
Please avoid this and liberate yourself from such long, pointless financial commitment.
Savings Bank
Many parents open a bank account in the child’s name and start hoarding cash in the account. Cash in savings account creates an illusion of safety. In reality, money in a savings account is the probably the worst form of investment. Inflation is real and inflation will eventually vaporize your money’s purchasing power, and you won’t even realize this.
As you may know savings bank account yields are in range of 3.5 to 4% , the average inflation rate is about 5 to 6%, this means you are losing about 2% by parking your money idle in a savings bank account. A futile venture if you ask me.
So, what are the other investment options at your disposal? How should parents build a portfolio for their child? Well, here is what you can look at doing.
1. Equity-oriented Mutual Funds (50% to 60%)
I understand that many people find it scary to invest in a Mutual Fund. The usual thought is that mutual funds invest in stocks, and stocks are volatile therefore it is easy for one to lose money.
Yes, they are volatile and that is the nature of the beast. Imagine, if you had an option to see the valuation of your apartment on a daily basis. Naturally, the price of your apartment would vary (1Cr today, 95L tomorrow, 1.05Cr day after) – would you consider this volatile? May be not, as we believe real estate is the safest bet over the long term.
Likewise, investing in equities requires you to change your mindset. Stocks are volatile and the only antidote to volatility is time. If you give your mutual fund investment adequate time (which you should) then you can expect a great rate of return.
Historically, average returns of mutual funds over a 15 year period (in India) have been in excess of 14 to 15%, which as you can imagine is brilliant. Of course, there are funds which have delivered over 20% as well.
I’d strongly suggest you save up to 60% of your investable cash flow toward equity oriented mutual fund, via the SIP route. Most importantly, you need to give this investment time, at least 8 to 10 years in my opinion (Also let me give you simple formula to decide how much you should invest in Equity, if your age is 35, then 100-35 = 65, 65% should be in Equity and 35% in debt).
2. Fixed Income (30%)
By Fixed income, I’m not talking about the regular bank fixed deposits. You should explore options beyond this and venture into AAA rated corporate bonds. Some of the AAA bonds give you over 10% interest, which I think is great for a fixed income return.
Besides, an AAA rated bond implies there is a great amount of capital safety. Keep an eye out for these corporate bonds and consider investments in these instruments.
3. Gold (6-8%)
Don’t expect gold to deliver spectacular returns over the years. At best you can expect an average of about 6-8%. But you need this investment as a hedge against inflation. Gold to a large extent maintains the purchasing power of your money. Do not overexpose your investment in Gold, I’d advice not more than 10% allocation to gold (Personal Disclaimer I invest only 6%. Also, don’t buy physical gold, we should but Gold ETF or Gold Sovereign Units)
4. Index ETF (10%)
By definition, an exchange-traded fund (ETF) should just replicate the returns of its respective underlying. For example, an Index ETF like Nifty bee is supposed to mimic the performance of the Nifty 50 index. I think young parents should consider an exposure of at least 10% towards an Index ETF.
The rationale is very simple; an index like Nifty 50 represents the broad Indian economy. If you believe the economy will do good going forward, then naturally the index will also do well. If the index performs well, so will its ETF.
As you may have realized, the portfolio I’ve suggested is skewed towards equity. I personally believe that over the next few years, equity as an asset class will outperform every other asset class in India.
This is not a blind faith, but rather an outcome of a well-structured thought process. Perhaps discussing this thought process, itself will be another article, for another day. If you remember I said above I am happily retired at 43, by investing almost 70% of my savings in equity for last 15 years which gave me annual CAGR of 18%. But in this article, we have assumed only 12%. Imagine the value of portfolio if returns are 18%.Disclaimer: The author is founder of retireby49.com The views and investment tips expressed in this article are of his own and not that of the website or its management. Please talk to professional Financial Planner / Advisor for better financial planning.
Financial Advisor v/s Agent
Financial Advisor v/s Agent
Disclaimer: The intention of this article is not to hurt anybody’s feeling or profession. It is purely a comparison of two different professions based on my personal experience.
While delivering sessions on Financial Planning I always came across common question. What is the difference between buying financial products from agents and advisors? Also, many people show interest in doing planning but when they are asked to pay upfront fees, they are bit hesitant and assume other people / company is providing service for free of cost why should we pay fees to “Advisors”? In this world nothing comes for free; instead someone charge you for service and others make money by indirect ways. To be honest indirect way of fees is too high compared to direct fees. So, I thought why not to write article on this and explain how this both professions make money from clients.
A financial advisor or an agent may sell similar products to you, but they can have different objectives. Agents will be obliged to their company’s profit margin and self-commission more than to client’s financial well-being.
There is a clear distinction between the two professions. Let’s understand who does what:
- The financial advisor has more comprehensive view of client’s situation and is tasked to help the client to achieve financial goals by proper planning; that includes one or more defined financial goals, risk mitigation plan and recommends products which are more suitable based on individuals’ risk
- Whereas an agent has single point agenda; to sell the product which is more beneficial for his/her company and earn more commission for self. They are more focused on finding a need that their financial product can address
Understand Agent v/s Advisory Business Model
Both agents and advisors exist in market, but unfortunately, there is very small percentage of the certified “financial advisors” are available who ask for direct fees for financial planning. Fee-only advisors charge only for your financial planning i.e. to YOU. Whereas, financial agents sell products to you for which they get compensation by their employer. Their pay structure isn’t necessarily based on the services to you but more on the financial products they sell to you for a commission.
Sometimes this imbalance is so extreme that you lose money on your investments. Agents plainly took advantage of clients and had been sold several annuities and high commission loaded funds that, even in an up-market, were not returning enough or in some cases the investments are in negative even after 2 -3 years. Please try to understand who is better for your financial goals to be achieved. I urge you to seek out fee-only advisors and not agents.
Here are two PERSPECTIVES and key differences between an Agent v/s Advisor:
- “Advisor helps you to achieve your goals and provides end to end financial planning with proper risk mitigation.”
- “Agent lacks the knowledge of border spectrum of financial products and sell those products which are more beneficial for them and company they work / associated for as an agent”
Here are few examples of products suggested by Agent vs Advisor:
Product Name | Agent | Advisor |
Endowment Insurance Policies | Will try to push those products so hard, for which they get good 30-40%of commission on selling them in first year and 2 to 3.5% commission thereafter till client pays the premium | Will never suggest such products as they are financially not good for client, as these products cannot even beat inflation |
ULIP | Agent will try to sell ULIP instead of Equity based products like Mutual funds as it provides more commission compared to other equity-based products | Will never suggest such products as there are many other products in similar investment category which can give better returns |
Equity Mutual Funds | Will always suggest to buy “regular plans” or “NFO” (new fund offer) as they get more commission if they sell Regular plan of mutual funds and NFO products | Always suggest to buy “Direct Plans” only and will never suggest to buy “regular plan” or “NFO” (will suggest NFO only if it is very unique and no similar product is available in the market) |
Property Insurance | Will recommend to buy insurance for the total cost of flat / house value to earn more commission | Will advise to buy only up to the cost of construction as they are aware land will remain in same condition in all types of risk like Earth quake, tsunami or fire, so insurance for land is not required which can save approx 70% of premium |
Term Insurance | Will advice to buy offline products to get better service, so that in turn they get good commission | Will advice to buy online Term Insurance directly from the portal of respective Insurance company which can save almost 50% of premium |
Here are few examples how much money we lose if invest based on suggestion of an Agent V/s an Advisor (Assumption is 5000 Rs per Month in below mentioned two products)
Product Name | Agent | Advisor |
Endowment Insurance Policies | After 20 years we may get only 17 to 20 Lakhs (based on tax bracket) and Insurance coverage of 10 Lakhs | Will suggest online Term Insurance worth of 50 Lakhs and rest money to be invested in balance funds that will give close to 30 to 35 Lakhs (assuming 10% returns) |
Mutual Funds | Will suggest Regular plan of Mutual funds (5000 SIP for 25 years will become 1.17 CR (Assuming 15% CAGR)) | Will suggest Direct plan of Mutual funds (5000 SIP for 25 years will become 1.4 CR(Assuming same 15% CAGR)) |
Moral of the story is agent will say I don’t take even single penny from you for the service and he is taking out 40 Lakhs from you indirectly in the form of commission from just 2 products for self & company they are associated with.
Let us assume, an Advisor is taking direct fees from us as up front which is approx. 5K per Annum, still we end up paying only 1.25 Lakhs for 25 years (Even it is inflation adjusted fee which may increase over the years still it will not be more than 3 Lakhs, I hope it is simple to understand with 10K investment might have been by excess of 35 to 40 Lakhs after 25 years if invested based on Advisor’s recommendation)
Note – The above illustration is for only 10K investments per month (5K in Insurance and 5K in Mutual funds). If we plan to save more than 10K per month, then check what potential loss we will have. But, advisor fees will remain same 5K per annum even if our investments increases (Advisor charges are per annum and not per product suggested)
Personal Experience : Do you know most of Financial Planners come to Industry to become good Advisors and help their respective clients in planning. But, when client is not willing to pay direct fees, they are indirectly forced to become agents to fulfil their financial need. Think once, if you want best salary to be paid by your employer, why a financial Advisor cannot expect the same? If we don’t pay directly they will find alternatives to take more from us. Agent who comes to your home / office to collect documents and recommend you best products and don’t charge you. Why? In my case, my agent used to get even chocolates for my son and sweet box on Diwali, which made me think. Now, you think you will have similar experience and ended up buying wrong products.
“Nothing comes for Free of cost. Honesty is very rare quality, don’t expect it from all.”
Weekend Investment Strategy
Weekend Investment Strategy
While sitting idle over the weekend with family, my wife said “bore ho raha hai…kuch kam chahiye dimag ko” and one thought came up in my mind. Why don’t we invest ~ 1/2 hour time to create simple strategy for coming week and decide investment strategy!!
I have already been working on some strategies since 3 months post my retirement that can be used in investing in stock markets. So, I came up with new strategy that can be build over weekend by investing 30 minutes and spend 5 minutes on working days to buy & sell them.
The strategy uses a systematic, non-emotional and simple investing approach using stock strength momentum to help you run your investment portfolio successfully on Indian equity stocks by investing just 30 minutes on weekend.
The thought behind the strategy was the approach should be so simple that a person with no background of equity markets should be able to understand the concept and can identify winning stocks on their own without any hurdle.
I have decided to finalize one of the strategy that I use for my stock selection. So, first I have finalized a list of 100 stocks for screening on every weekend (anytime after Friday 5PM and before Monday Moring 9AM) on which this strategy can be applied.
Next decision was the focus on creating a strategy that should work for those who want to generate regular monthly income or if someone has long time horizon, then also it should help them in creating long term wealth.
The participants have to simply follow the strategy and create a portfolio in their own account. This approach ensures regular income along with wealth creation for you. One needs to devote precisely 30 minutes a week to their portfolio and stock screening every weekend. This portfolio will complement well with your other investments if any in Equity or PMS investments you have and help in monitoring them as well.
Due to the tactical allocation model, the system keeps you safe by shifting money to debt during times of deep distress or you don’t find any buying options with the above strategy (Which is very rare).
So here is the plan:
Two simple steps need to be followed:
- With the strategy, system determines the Entry price and stop loss that you need to monitor over the weekend and this will be your entry price for stock on Monday Morning.
- Every weekend you need to check the price and revise the stop loss and continue to hold the stock till it don’t breaks the stop loss (Book Profit / loss once stop loss is hit).
Here is the example of one of the stock for which we have followed the strategy:
Below is graph of Infosys for which system provided Entry point. Our weekend strategy has given a buy call on Dec 17, 2017 around Rs. 1000/-, on 27th Mar it is trading around 1160/- almost 16% returns in 3 months. Most important point to note is during this period market given minus 3 % returns.
Holding period can be as short as one week or it can go as long as 12 months. Stop loss may not hit for one year. But you can exit as per your strategy / need. If it is for long term, continue to hold till stop loss is not hit otherwise book partial profits to generate regular income.
After developing this simple strategy, we thought we will run this with few participants who don’t even understand what is stock market or equity and they have not heard of equities in the past.
Apart from my wife, during summer vacation (CBSE short summer vacation In March), I have explained this to my niece and sister in law. My Niece who is in her teen age was able to understand and trade couple of stocks in last 3 weeks and earned ~3K with very short capital under her mother’s guidance.
Then we have decided to back test this strategy. We have back tested most of the stocks from the 100 stocks we have identified. We have back tested the stocks for last 8 years and it has given average ~24% annualized returns. At the same time this strategy was profitable and generated positive returns on more than 70% trades, if we have followed system without fail.
Below is back tested entry and exit for Maruti Udyog stock, for last 6 years, it has given 300% returnsIf anyone want to earn regular returns / build long term portfolio can use this strategy and we will be happy to help them.
Happy Sunday Fun’d’ay
Please feel free to contact us on retireby49@gmail.com or +91 93710 89359.
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Do you know, you can be Crorepati by investing just ₹50/- Per Day!!
Friends, we generally spend ₹50/- on Tea & Cigar daily. I am not saying you stop smoking or drinking tea, just reserve additional ₹50/- a day and you cannot believe, it will convert to whooping One Crore in 30 years of time.
We all know equity markets in the short run may not give you ‘assured returns’, however, if you give it time, the short-term volatility outbursts can be digested and a certain amount of return can be expected.
At Retireby49, we were keen to find out the reasons why people still hesitate to invest in the equity markets. Recent days I have met so many investors and started checking what really bothered them and the fact was, a vast majority of Indian families are still hesitant to accept equities as a source of serious long-term investment.
This is despite the fact that the Indian equity markets have generated the best returns compared to any asset class over a rolling period of 10-years window.
In our quest to gain an insight into the people’s mental framework, especially while making investment decisions, we decided to find out the reasons behind this mentality.
After talking with people, we have arranged the results to find out the top four reasons that prevent people from participating in equity markets, and they are:
- People expect an assured fixed return from their investments
- They believe they lack the required knowledge to invest in the equity and equity markets
- Most people believe they do not have a sizable corpus to invest
- It requires large amount of money to invest in equities and this is rich people territory
Here are some of our thoughts with respect to the above four points.
Expecting an assured return from the market is as good as expecting Virat Kohli to smash continuous fours & sixes in a test match. We know Virat would not smash fours & sixes, but rather focus on holding the fort and performing steadily as it is test match and not 20-20 match.
Likewise, markets in the short run may not give you ‘assured returns’, however, if you give it time, the short-term volatility outbursts can be digested and a certain amount of return can be ‘expected’.
In fact, you can convert the short-term market volatility into highly profitable opportunities if we stay in market for more than 10 years.
Lack of knowledge is understandable and it is easily solvable. If one wants to invest today and reap its benefits tomorrow, one has to do a bit of work today and also Indian government and SEBI has given various avenues to invest in equity markets like in the form of Equity based Mutual Funds.
Thanks to the internet, there is abundant information available online that will give you sufficient knowledge to get started. You may not believe just 2 -4 Hours a year is sufficient to identify quality equity diversified funds to invest or take help of good Financial planner for first time and then slowly you can invest on your own (Please make sure you are not getting into trap of Agent, identify advisor and not an agent)
Lastly, the argument of not having enough corpus/funds is perhaps the biggest mistake people do.
Let me illustrate why, with a simple example:
A young 24-year person has just started earning. His take home salary is ₹20k to ₹22k per month. He is a lavish spender and spends all the money he earns. Looking at his lifestyle a good friend of him advices him to save some money for the future.
Not wanting to save much, reluctantly he decides to set aside just ₹50/- per day for his future needs. Further, considering his good friend’s advice, he decides to save ₹50/- every day for the next 30 years.
He decided that the money is best invested in an equity mutual fund since historically a good equity mutual fund has generated a CAGR return of close to 15% (Returns will vary from fund to fund).
Now here is my question to you – Can you take a guess how much ₹50/- invested at 15% CAGR could grow at the end of 30 years?
In fact, I asked this question to our participants they made a simple calculation which goes like this –
“The guy saves ₹50/- per day or ₹1500/- per month. He invests for the next 30 years, which means he invests close to ₹540, 000/- i.e. ₹1500 per month x 12 months x 30 years. After considering the 15% returns most of them simply declared “At the most his money would have grown to ₹20 – 25 lakhs max and definitely not more than that.”
I asked why you think it would ₹20 lakhs, they said if we invest ₹150,000/- a year in PPF it gives us just ₹40 lakhs, hence ₹5.4 Lakhs should not give more than 4 times of amount invested as returns and investment period is close to double.
The reason I asked this question to my colleagues was to observe how they would treat the 15% CAGR. They easily missed the point that the money is ‘compounding’ at the rate of 15% (~8 % returns in PPF is Doubled in 15 years doesn’t mean it will be 4 times because it is 30 years and 15%).
If you are wondering how much ₹50/- per day would grow when invested at 15% for the next 30 years, then hold on your breath – it would grow to a whopping ₹10,514,731/- (i.e. ₹1.05 Cr)!
Can you imagine that? At just ₹50/- per day, which by the way, is less than a cigar and tea with friends we spend every day can create wealth close to ₹1.05 Crore! How easy is that? This is what is compounding does to your money, it starts growing beyond your imagination!
So dear friends, you have to believe in the power of compounding and start investing today, no matter how big or small the amount is. There are many of you who can afford to save more than ₹50/- per day, so I would suggest you take the plunge towards long-term wealth creation today. After all, investing is not just good for you but for people dependent on you.
I know, now many of you are thinking numbers are looking good but are there really any such products? Just search on internet “equity mutual funds with returns of > 15% in last 20 years”, I can challenge, you will get minimum 10 fund names that gives > 15% returns.
Let me show you another dream as you were able to find 15% is possible if these returns are 18% then the same savings would be ₹2.1 Crore 😊. (Personal Disclaimer – I am personally clocking 18% CAGR from last 13 years by just investing in good quality equity mutual funds)
Good luck and happy investing!
If you like this article and want to avail our services on financial planning, do visit “our Services section of www.retireby49.com. You can also follow us on
Feel free to contact us on +91 93710 89359 or retireby49@gmail.com.
Disclaimer: The author is founder of retireby49.com The views and investment tips expressed in this article are of his own and not that of the website or its management. Please talk to professional Financial Planner / Advisor who can help in better financial planning.
My Point of view on Budget
My Point of view on Budget
Why I am writing the below article? My mobile was beeping / ringing most of the weekend (3rd and 4th Feb).
Hence I thought let me read a budget fine print and see if I can provide some insights on the questions most asked.
Majority of the calls were stating, there was nothing in this budget for working class and middle class and they sounded very unhappy. L
“Is there was really nothing in the budget for middle-class/salaried-class?” If we look the budget and read headline as ‘I” then yes there is nothing given other than 40000/- Standard deduction and taken out existing 35K benefits + added 1% educational Cess.
But, if I see as an Indian and want better nation then, I personally believe, most of the things were for middle class in indirect form. We, all Middle class Indians, always believe that budget should be in favour of us by reducing taxes, increase income tax slab and so on so forth.
Is this is really true? Partially yes, we need to get something directly, but this time there is lot for middle class in different form. Let us look by few examples.
As mentioned, don’t look at Budget only from “I” perspective. Look it at as an “Indian” and then see does it serve the purpose of nation? Then, I can guarantee you, your dissatisfaction will reduce or you will also appreciate the efforts of Finance Minister, Mr.Arun Jaitley and his team.
- Budget document says, 6 Lakh crores will be spent this year on Roads/Railways/Infrastructure and 400+ new airports by 2022. We will benefit more from these, as it will create more jobs and most importantly it will help us to use quality Infra and reach destination quick and safe.
- One Medical college for every 3 constituencies will be opened via budget allocations; Middle class kids will be most benefited.
- Number of jobs will increase from investments in digital India infrastructure and digitization of services.
- Rs 17,000 crores to be spent for Suburban transport in Bangalore and Mumbai alone and most of the passenger are middle class
- 12,000 Crore on “Health Insurance” that will help Poor to save lives and we are contributing indirectly to this cause by compromising on some tax benefits. Health Insurance is need of hour in India for the bottom of the Pyramid.
Above one are few heavy investments plans in this budget. What I am trying to say, these will create more jobs and it will help the middle class in different forms. We spend avg 2-3 hours on roads, our kids struggle for quality education. Middle class will benefit more by these investments / initiatives.
Direct benefit looks always better, but let the nation or company grow. This time it is not just YOU who get some direct benefit instead a policy introduced that will help the whole nation or company get benefitted through YOU. This govt is working as CEO and CFO so that ‘balance sheet’ is healthy and money is spending properly.
This Budget could have easily said we are increasing Tax slab from 2.5L to 3.0 L which might have brought smiles on our face. But look at bigger picture; we might have not gained anything larger but not lost either. This money will create more jobs as it has been spend on projects. Most importantly, the money is not wasted in the form of “subsidies”. Subsidy has made Indians lazy; instead let all of us work and earn on our own rather than relying on subsidies.
What previous govt has done to get few “votes”, gave away huge amount of subsidies in the form of Farm loan, Petrol, diesel, food and so on. This Govt. instead done proper fiscal maths and invested money on projects that will reduce Below Poverty Line(BPL) population.
Just to bring smile for a day by tax benefits and compromising on Fiscal deficit, might have impacted on Inflation. This would have resulted into giving in one hand and taken out in the form of high prices from other hand (“Ek haat se dena, dusarese lena”). Just to remind, check the inflation rate for the period 2010 to 2012 which was in double digit. Do we really want to go there again for some benefits? I don’t think so.
Lower deficit means safer future from a resultant stable economy. If the government keeps deficit under control we all will get benefit with lower risk.
There were many points/statements raised through our great Media houses to create confusion and headlines like
- “Modi is robbing our money by imposing LTCG tax on our savings”.
- “I am being penalised for my past investments”
- “Middle class is being targeted here”
NO! This is not TRUE, your past gains are NOT taxed. Contrary to a lot of fluff in media , Long term gains prior to Feb 1st 2018 are completely protected and not taxed even if we sell them today or any other day(E.g- If we have bought shares for Rs 100 on Jan 30th 2017 and the value of share is Rs 500 on 31st Jan 2018, then no need to pay tax on profit of Rs 400 (500-100), we will have to pay tax if the sell value is > 500). Only future Long term Capital Gains (Gains earned post Feb 1st 2018 (LTCG)) will be taxed.
Some experts and channel for their selfishness has created hype and investors already lost 6.5 Lakhs crores, by Sensex falling 1000+ points. Very interesting number, 3.67 Lakh crores, LCGT benefit was claimed in year 16-17. Do you know, more than 3Laks crore out of this was actually claimed by big corporate houses and large investors and not the middle class.
If we say ourselves middle class, then our savings should be in range of 6 Lakhs per annum. Even with 15% returns we consider on 6 Laks, which will be 90K and we redeem our units worth of 1 Lakh, profit is exempted from LTCG tax benefit. Even with this, we have 7 Lakhs at hand, so we can manage our annual expenses easily and avoid LTCG with some smart withdrawals (These withdrawls I am talking in retirement period and not when you are saving. As of today, a retiree can manage family with 7 Lakhs per annum easily; this amount will increase if our fiscal maths remains under control).
So, it is our choice between paying direct taxes or pay indirectly with various leakages / other overheads like interests, weak currency which will translate into higher inflation.
I always welcome your valuable feedback/comments. Thank You!
Thumb Rule of Financial planning
Thumb Rule of Financial planning
30 % of your income must be used for monthly living expenses
40% of your income must be used for Liabilities repayments (Housing EMI, Loans etc.)
30% of your income must be SAVED and INVESTED for your retirement.
3-5% of your income must be spared for Social cause
6 months expenses must be available for emergency (should be invested in LIQUID FUND or any safe instruments which can be liquidate in a days time
Buying second house for investment is not advisable
After 45 years of age, not supposed to enter into any BIG LIABILITIES (Higher education of children and wedding of children will happen around 45 to 50 only, so plan now for the same.)
Have joint account @ Bank savings account.
Property must be registered on both Husband and wife name. (As per legal act – after husband first legal heir is wife, after wife it will go to children only)
Regular check on Nominations at all financial instruments. if not nominated, do it now..
Only in insurance policy, Claims payable to Nominee. In other financial instruments legal heirs certificate is must to get back the settlement
Must have 10-15 times of coverage in form of term Insurance to financially secure future of your dependents
Don’t take any financial investment decisions EMOTIONALLY, and also Avoid last minute tax saving investment decisions, plan well in advance..
MEDICLAIM is must (in spite of Group mediclaim coverage given at office) (After retirement there is no mediclaim coverage, after 50-55 years of age, it’s very tough and costly to enter into mediclaim)
For your jewelry LOCKER, Only one lakh is payable by bank, if theft or fire happen at bank. Provided insurance done.
Like same way Government guaranteed only one lakh for your FD also. (Fixed deposits with Banks upto Rs. 1 lakh only are backed by deposit insurance)
Must know all Tax implications. You cannot avoid paying tax. But you can minimize by way of tax planning and investments..
All financial documents must be kept safely and keep family members informed of the same..
Financial investments must be followed through personal financial advisory
Review your portfolio at every six month
These are general suggestions, personal Finance and investment decisions depends upon case to case, please consult your financial planner and read disclaimer below
All about investment
All about investment
Is Demonetization Good for Economy ?
The demonetization-driven cash crunch that is playing out in India will create short-term economic pain in the form of the transactional hit created by a hard cash deficit and the structural hit to non-tax paying businesses that would become unviable.
As we move further away from this event, government’s larger crackdown on black money and its resolve to check tax evasion will yield two distinct sets of benefits:
- A lower cost of capital due to huge inflows
- higher in-flows into the financial services sector which will benefit equities in long term
Also, as the informal sector shrinks on the back of a crackdown in the black economy and on the back of the GST implementation, the formal organized sector is likely to gain market share as a ‘formalization effect’ comes into play from the next year onwards.
Trying to describes in greater detail these complex set of effects that demonetization will trigger in the short to long run all are personal view based on various reading and understanding and these level of recall was not done in history so all these could go wrong, I reserve all rights to be wrong
The informal sector accounts for more than 40 percent of India’s GDP and provides employment to close to 80 percent of the labour force. While it is difficult to capture details regarding the profit margins of businesses in the informal sector, it is safe to assume that from the third quarter FY17 to fourth quarter FY19, the share of the informal economy in India could as low as 20%. This shrinkage of the informal sector is likely to result in a short-term adverse effect as the informal sector is no longer able to employ the numbers that it did. However, as the informal sector shrinks, the formal organized sector is likely to gain market share will benefit listed companies. The formal sector accounts for 60 percent of India’s GDP today. Ambit Capital assumes that from FY17 to fourth quarter FY19, the share of the formal economy in India could expand from 60 percent to 80 percent.
Black money will prevent people from parking their savings in physical assets such as gold and real estate. This should boost the flow of savings into the financial system to a significant extent. This in turn should spell a higher influx of flows for financial services providers such as banks, non-banking financial companies (NBFCs)
The most hit will be real estate, land and gold prices in long term, here are some stocks that can benefit in long run, most of them are part of our portfolio already.
Stock | Current Price | Why it will gain |
DHFL | 230 | Lot of money will flow it small and mid-segment housing and cost of fund will go down, short term pain |
NBCC | 225 | This will be the biggest beneficiary, as Govt will build lot of house for poor on Govt land and only PSU in this psace will see lot of orders and can grow order book at 25% CAGR for next 3 years |
Sun Pharma | 695 | Sun Pharma is trading at very low and it has acquired one more company is Russia and this will help in growth in business |
ICICI Bank | 255 | It will be biggest beneficiary of Demonetization, low cost of funds and reeducation in Repo Rate on Dec 7 policy |
Kotak Bank | 750 | Same as Above |
PFC | 125 | Lot of money was paif by big Defaulters so it will see very good days ahead |
IL&FS transportation | 90 | This can benefit as Govt will invest into infrastructure and IL&FS will be biggest beneficiary |
Tata Motor DVR | 290 | It has fallen for multiple reasons like Mistry issue and Demonetization , but in long term there will be very less impact on Land rover and Jaguar sales |
How to maintain “Financial Health” during COVID-19
COVID-19 or Corona Virus making headlines around the world. It’s normal to feel uncertain about many aspects of life right now, including finances.
Let’s take a closer look at how you can keep your finances in order as the COVID-19 situation develops around the world.
Try to Save More
In the current situation, you are staying at home for weeks due to this pandemic. There are chances that you may be losing your regular income during this time if your employer is not offering paid leave or work from home facility is not available. Instead of getting panicked, focus on finding ways to stretch on saving your money. You may be wondering how?
There are few ways of doing so; cutting non-essential spending from your budget. Like, currently you are staying at home, you will be able to save money that you use to spend on transportation and eating outside food. I’m sure your weekend getaways are also locked down currently as you are entertaining yourselves at home through various online media that comes at bare minimum cost. You can consider this money in saving.
Emergency Fund
If your company allowing option of working from home, then consider boosting your emergency fund as you are having your regular income source is still flowing. So, it will be easier to resist the temptation of spending money on impulse buys like online shopping. Take this opportunity to increase your emergency savings (Keep at least 6 months of monthly expenses in Emergency funds).
Stick to Your Investment Plan
Due to COVID-19, there is increased volatility in the stock markets. It is creating anxiousness and in panic, we are tending towards selling our stocks / Equity Mutual Funds during this time of crisis. But believe me, that’s not a good option right now. In fact, choosing to sell your stocks now could result in a realized loss.
I know, it is difficult to watch the value of your portfolio going down and sitting idle of not doing anything to stop it. However, over the period equity markets will recover. Personally, I never planned on touching the money I have invested in the market until retirement. So, I’m not going to change that mindset and stick to the original plan for now. Instead, I plan to hold on for what looks like a wild ride ahead. I fully expect a bumpy ride, but I know that selling stocks for 20 to 30% loss is not the answer. But we can always re-evaluate our investment plan and make any changes if required with the help of Investment / Financial adviser. Important point to note here is don’t stop your SIPs. Instead if possible, increase the amount of SIP.
Take Advantage of Low Interest Rates
As the feeling of uncertainty is around the world, interest rates are dropping as well. If you have a good credit score, then you can likely take advantage of extremely low rates for all kinds of borrowing; especially housing loan.
If you have outstanding debt such as a housing mortgage or education loans, now is the time to refinance. You could potentially save thousands over the course of your loan. Although refinancing can involve quite a bit of paperwork. As you are at home you can easily do this task with comfort.
Moratorium on Loans (Home, Personal, Education, Car….)
Benefits of Home loan Moratorium
- Moratorium will reduce financial stress for those who are facing income uncertainty due to the COVID-19 crisis
- If you avail moratorium, it will be not be considered as default. So, your credit score will not get affected
- Banks will not charge any penalty for availing moratorium
Drawbacks of Home loan Moratorium
- First thing first, the moratorium is not a waiver. You will have to pay the EMIs later. Given that unpaid EMIs will be added to the principal amount, you will be required to pay a higher EMIs starting from July for the remainder of your loan tenure. This will put additional burden on you
- Opting for moratorium will have tax implications as well. The tax reduction which you avail on interest payments will be affected if moratorium is opted
- Deferring 3 to 4 EMIs could extend your loan tenure by 3 to 10 months depends on loan amount and tenure
- The interest payable on the loan will be higher when compared to the current interest amount
The Bottom Line
We are on edge due to the COVID-19 situation, but that doesn’t mean our finances need to suffer. Act to build your emergency fund before the virus impacts your finances. If your finances are already affected due to COVID-19 situation, take immediate steps to mitigate the long-term financial damage.
DISCLAIMER: Please do your homework and take the help of a qualified Financial Adviser before you take any financial decisions